"The Last Temptation" is the twenty-first and final episode of the fifth season (as well as the series finale) of The Ren & Stimpy Show, and aired on October 20, 1996. This episode never aired on Nickelodeon but rather on MTV. This episode would later air on TeenNick as part of the NickSplat block in 2018.
- Ren
- Stimpy
- Wilbur Cobb
- Mr. Pipe as "The Big Guy"
Ren has a near-death experience and changes his ways. Stimpy, however, becomes corrupted and materialistic after Ren's redemption.
One morning, Ren is getting impatient waiting for his oatmeal. When it arrives, the oatmeal is just a big ball. Ren eats the oatmeal all in one bite, but it gets stuck in his throat and he starts to choke. He cries for Stimpy's help, but Stimpy can't hear him. Ren's face starts to turn blue. He then has a flashback about he and Stimpy's friendship. After the flashback, Ren's soul drifts out of his body and up to Heaven. When he arrives, Wilbur Cobb teaches Ren not to be mean to Stimpy. Later on, Ren's soul floats down to Earth and back in his body. Ren then starts being nice to Stimpy. Ren then cremates his most prized possessions. Ren then tells Stimpy he's been stealing out of his piggy bank and gives Stimpy $1,000,000.
While Stimpy is rich, Ren starts to get jealous. Stimpy buys a lot of stuff. Later on at dinner, Stimpy swallows an entire ham, but it gets stuck in his throat and now he starts to choke. Ren decided to give up his boring virtuous lifestyle he was doing for the past few weeks and thinking of using all of Stimpy's stuff, instead of saving him from choking to death and lied about going to get help. Cobb appears to see that Ren is back doing to his old sinful ways again. Cobb then tells Ren to save his buddy. Ren goes to get help and then saves Stimpy. Wilbur Cobb is proud of Ren and rewards him to spend another 50 years with Stimpy, but takes off with Stimpy's stuff to be "confiscating" upon and the two start to cry like babies, thus ending the episode and the original series.
Production Music[]
- Toccata in D-Minor Bwv 565 - Johann Bach
- Suspended Roll (c) - Gary Kettel
- Fashion on Parade - Ronald Hanmer
- Inferno - Fredric Bayco
- Set to Pounce - Robert Farnon
- Bonhomie - John Leach, George Fenton
- Bits and Pieces - Ronald Hanmer
- Animal Fair - Trevor Thornton
- Cradle Song (Brahms' Lullaby) - Fiachra Trench, Johannes Brahms
- Inferno - Hans Conzelmann, Delle Haensch
- Oberlander - Wolfgang Kaltenbach
- Dreamy Ghost (TC-16) - William Loose, John Seely
- Where Danger Lurks - Ronald Hanmer
- Without Walls B - Mladen Franko
- Harp Gliss 2 - Otto Sieben
- Whistling Rufus - James Stewart, John Godfrey
- Links and Interjections (I - 1 - 12) - Alan Braden
- The Cat from Peter and the Wolf - Sergei Prokofiev, Fiachra Trench
- Easy Come Easy Go - Mike Sunderland
- Canope - Helmuth Brandenburg, Claude Debussy
- Without Walls B - Mladen Franko; Timpani Roll (e) - Gary Kettel
- Hallelujah Chorus from the Messiah - George Handel
- Crepe Suzette - Cyril Watters
- Vibe Link (a) - Richard Myhill
- Military Conflict - Hans Conzelmann, Delle Haensch
- Don Pasquale Operatic Chorus - Gaetano Donizetti, George Wilson
- Symphony #101 "Clock" 2nd Mvt. - Fiachra Trench, Franz Haydn
- Berlin 1945 A - Gregor Narholz; Shock Scenes - Gregor Narholz
- Orchestral Link 62 - Mike Sunderland
- Happy Golightly - John Fiddy
- Lonely Soul - John Fox
- Funeral March - Gary Kettel
- Travellin' On (b) - Graham Preskett
- Showtime (a) - Robert Sharples
- Temple Dance - John Leach, George Fenton
- Twang Bar Blues 1 - Steve Byrd
- Main Street - Alec Gould
- Pictures of India - Klaus Wuesthoff
- Beethoven: Minuet - Lee Ashley
- Comic Tension (c) - Dick Walter; Without Walls B - Mladen Franko
- Elusive - Len Stevens
- The Promised Land - Kay Rudd
- This ended up being the last episode of the original Nickelodeon version of The Ren & Stimpy Show, as it would be revived on Spike TV 7 years later for an adult-themed reboot.
- This episode is the last episode to be animated with digital ink-and-paint.
- This is the last episode to be 11 minutes long.
- This episode was originally going to be titled "The Last Temptation of Ren".
- However, in the latin-american dub its called "La Última Tentación de Ren" which means "The Last Temptation of Ren".
- This episode, along with its sister episode "Sammy and Me", are the unofficial series finale of the original series, as they were initially pulled from the schedule in 1995 (with this one, it was due to all the religious references and lampooning), and instead premiered on MTV in 1996. The originally intended series finale was "A Scooter for Yaksmas", airing in the original December 1995 timeslot as planned.
- Another episode that didn't air because the original show ended is "Man's Best Friend". This episode wasn't aired on television until 2003, where it served as the start of Adult Party Cartoon.
- The lifestyle Ren adopts is somewhat similar to Buddhism.
- This episode is similar to the Rocky’s Modern Life episode “To Heck And Back” and the SpongeBob SquarePants episode “Born Again Krabs”.
- This episode aired on TeenNick as part of the NickSplat block in 2018 along with the other episode "Reverend Jack."
- After dying in the episode "Galoot Wranglers", Wilbur Cobb is now seen as a gardener in Purgatory, giving Ren a second chance without the Big Guy's consent.
- Ren and Stimpy have a "role switching" part in this episode like in "Who's Stupid Now?". Ren, the more selfish, self-centered, greedy, sinful, and psychotic of the two becomes more humble and virtuous after his near-death experience with Wilbur Cobb (who he mistakes as "The Big Guy" during his temporary visit in Heaven). Stimpy, the more humble, sweet-natured, gentle, innocent, and generous one becomes greedy, selfish, corrupted, and materialistic after Ren gives him $1,000,000.
- This episode shows Wilbur Cobb as a hypocrite. Cobb told Ren during his near-death experience to give up all worldly goods and live a more virtuous/selfless life, but after Ren was forced to save Stimpy's life from chocking on a whole ham, Cobb took all of Stimpy's worldly goods, which he bought by "ill-gotten gains" to be "confiscated" upon, which he really took them for himself. This makes Ren regret the virtuous and selfless lifestyle he adopted during the past few weeks.
- This was the last episode where Billy West provides the voice of Ren or Stimpy, as he would refuse to work on Adult Party Cartoon, and instead, provides the voice for Stimpy's cameo on a Drawn Together episode, The Lemon-AIDS Walk, then he will reprise his role to voice the duo starting from Screentime". John Kricfalusi would reprise his role of Ren from seasons 1 and 2, while Stimpy would be voiced by Eric Bauza.