"Terminal Stimpy" is the seventeenth episode of Season 5 of The Ren & Stimpy Show, which aired on December 9, 1995.
After going through seven of his lives, Stimpy becomes extremely cautious before enduring the steps towards accepting death.
- When Stimpy takes food out of the refrigerator, a bra is seen.
- When Ren says, "What are you talking about? This sandwich is fresh. I just made it last week.", there is more meat and no crust on the bread. But, when they show the close-up, there is less meat and crust on the bread.
- When Ren says "Get a grip, man.", his hat is black. After he smashes the sandwich, the red line on the hat is back on the hat.
- This episode was one of the episodes written at Spümcø, but was finished at Games Animation.
- This episode plays as a parody on the five stages trope: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.
- After the close-up, there is lettuce in the sandwich.
- When Stimpy says, "I am not dying, I am not going to die!", there is a leaf on the side of the flower on his hat. But, when it zooms out on the butterflies, trees, and flowers, this leaf is now on top of the flower.
- Due to Muddy Mudskipper possibly dying of a car accident in the episode, this is his last appearance.
- Although uncredited, this is the last episode in the original production of Ren & Stimpy where Richard Pursel wrote an episode for the original series, before heading onto the production of Adult Party Cartoon in 2003.