Ren & Stimpy Wiki

"Space Madness" is the 5th episode of Season 1 of The Ren & Stimpy Show, and aired on September 8, 1991.


Sugar Frosted Milk Segment[]


After Commander Höek and faithful Cadet Stimpy launch their 6-year rest period, the Commander bit by bit begins to lose his sanity...


Stimpy sits in front of the television, being prepared to watch his favorite live action drama, Commander Hoek and Cadet Stimpy, showing an annoyed Ren much of his merchandise from the show.

In the episode, Ren and Stimpy take the role of Commander Hoek, a space captain, and Cadet Stimpy, his loyal second-in-command. Ren is writing his captain's log as Stimpy is operating the ship. Ren says in his diary that he and Stimpy are on a 36-year mission to the Crab Nebula, having made the trip dozens of times. Ren tells the viewer that he heard how sometimes, people go insane from long trips and end up getting 'space madness' but scoffs at it. Ren tells Stimpy to commence a relaxation period and the two get on break, not having to be on duty for another six years. They sit in a break room staring at each other. When Stimpy asks Ren what he wants to do, he suggests they spend some quality time together. Ren's patience quickly wears thin, and he lashes out at Stimpy simply because the latter keeps idly drumming his fingers on the table. Ren apologizes, as he thinks he might've gone crazy from being cooped up and Stimpy suggests that they eat a hot meal. Stimpy goes off to get the three course meal, which turns out to be three different flavors of meal-substitute paste, then Ren gets frustrated for not having a real dish, as he bangs his head on the table. Stimpy then comforts him.

Ren brushed his teeth

Commander Hoek (Ren) is 'forced to use' a toothbrush.

Stimpy then suggests that Ren takes a bath to relieve his stress. To help him relax further, Stimpy turns off the gravity in the ship, causing Ren and the water in the bath to float several feet above the floor. Stimpy goes off to do his duty and Ren sits alone. He tries to concentrate on pleasant thoughts, thinking of actual food. The longer Ren soaks, the more manic his thoughts become, before announcing to no one in particular that he isn't crazy, but rather mad. The bathwater and Ren float out of the bathroom and to the bridge. Ren begins talking to his soap, but Stimpy simply ignores him. Ren begins to eat the soap, thinking of it as a chocolate ice cream bar. Stimpy realizes that something is up when he overhears Ren telling the soap that "they like the same things" and Stimpy tries to stop him. However, Ren feels as though Stimpy is trying to take his 'ice cream bar.' He cries out, hysterically screaming that people have "always tried to take his ice cream bar since he was a child". He screams and splashes the water everywhere, hiding in the corner. Ren tells Stimpy that if he comes closer, he'll use a toothbrush. When Ren is forced to use it, he simply brushes his teeth in an exaggerated manner. The two fight, Ren ends up being pinned down, with Stimpy hugging him.

After the incident, Ren writes in his log that he's tired, and that he's sure that Stimpy tried to attack him. Ren begins thinking that he is indeed the sane one and that Stimpy has caught space madness, deciding to give his number two more duties to keep him from going any crazier. Some time later, Ren takes Stimpy to a red button in the center of a small room and tells Stimpy not to touch it, since it is the 'History Eraser Button.' He says that they don't know what'd happen if they were to touch it and announces that they'll never know, since Stimpy is going to guard it diligently. Ren walks away, still suffering from space madness. Stimpy begins to do his job, as the announcer asks the audience (and Stimpy) how long he can hold out and constantly tempts him to touch the button, doing everything short of rubbing his face on it. After the narrator's pestering, Stimpy proclaims that he can't hold out any longer and he pushes the button. All three characters disappear in a flash of white light. The episode then cuts to the Ren and Stimpy logo, with both of the main characters' images being erased.


  • This is the first "Commander Höek and Cadet Stimpy" episode.
  • This is one of the many times we see Ren lose his mind.
  • Ren doesn't get the hiccups with bubbles in his throat when he eats the soap.
  • Even though the gravity was turned off, Ren's bathtub didn't float, just he and the water. One possible explanation to this is that the tub was bolted down.
  • "We're not hitchhiking anymore, we're riding!" is a quote from Champion, a classic 1949 film starring Kirk Douglas.
  • When Ren first shows Stimpy the button, there is writing above it that says "History Eraser Button". Afterward, the writing disappears.
  • Ren doesn't take off his fur to bathe in this episode. He does, however, in the episode "Nurse Stimpy".
  • During the fake commercial for Sugar Frosted Milk, the box clearly has a picture of a girl with her mouth open at first. Then suddenly the picture changes to a girl with sugar frosted milk in her open mouth. Also, the cereal box's position shifts slightly when the boy comes into the kitchen.
  • When the boy comes into the kitchen, the table is square. But when the boy picks up the box and says, "Oh boy, sugar frosted lumps!" the table is suddenly round.
  • The "Sugar Frosted Milk" segment was cut from mid-2000's reruns for unknown reasons.
  • The "Don't touch it!" sound clip is used as one of the many comedy replacement sounds in the fan-made Doom WAD file Ultimate Simpsons Doom.
  • This is the first episode aired on Nickelodeon animated by Carbunkle Cartoons. The first episode animated by the studio was "Big House Blues", which would not air on Nickelodeon until September 15, 1991 (a week after this episode premiered).
  • This is the only Commander Hoek and Cadet Stimpy episode animated by Carbunkle Cartoons.
  • As of the "Top 100 Greatest Moments in Nicktoon History" countdown, it was in 84th place.
  • In this Commander Höek and Cadet Stimpy episode, Commander Hoek's uniform top is grey. But in "Marooned", "Black Hole", and "The Scotsman in Space", it’s light blue, just like Cadet Stimpy’s uniform top.
  • Ren's dialogue when he threatens Stimpy with a toothbrush is sampled in the song "Deviate" by industrial metal band Circle of Dust.

Production music[]

  • Turkey Trot – John Longmire (cold opening with Ren and Stimpy watching TV)
  • Maniac Pursuit – Trevor Duncan (“All systems go!”)
  • Bits and Pieces – Ronald Hanmer (Ren and Stimpy screaming as the rocketship goes faster and faster)
  • Saw Theme – W Trytel (title card)
  • Symphony #9 “New World” Movement 1 – Antonin Dvorak (opening credits)
  • War Lords – Robert Cornford (“Captain’s log…”)
  • Drama Link (m) – Hubert Clifford (“You know, they say people go crazy on these trips…”)
  • Dramatic Impact 3 – Ivor Slaney (“SPACE… MADNESS!”)
  • War Lords – Robert Cornford (“Aye aye, captain.”)
  • Roses and Moonlight – Alan Moorhouse (quality time)
  • Mists of Illusion – Gilbert Vinter (Stimpy tapping his finger nervously)
  • Drama Link (b) – Hubert Clifford (right before Ren yells at Stimpy)
  • Roses and Moonlight – Alan Moorhouse (after Ren yells)
  • Cacodemon – Maurice Jarre (“That’s it! I need some REAL food!”)
  • Thieving Magpie Overture – Gioacchino Rossini (start of Ren’s bath)
  • Smouldering Fury (a) – Trevor Duncan (Ren floating)
  • Limbo – Maurice Jarre (“They think I’m crazy…”)
  • Drama Link (j) – Hubert Clifford (“…it is I who am MAD!”)
  • Absolute Zero – Laurie Johnson (Ren eating the soap)
  • Space Madness Guitar – Jim Smith [original composition] (“Waxed paper… football leather… dog breath!”)
  • Cataclysm – Maurice Jarre (“I know what you want! You coveteth my ice cream bar!”)
  • Drama Link (o) – Hubert Clifford (“I’ve had this ice cream bar since I was a child!”)
  • Savage Episode – Len Stevens (“You’ve forced me to use it!”)
  • Inferno – Fredric Bayco (Stimpy subdues Ren)
  • Death in the City – Jack Beaver (“I’m hurting!”)
  • Heavy Affliction – Cedric Palmer (“You poor, crazy kid!”)
  • Drama Link (m) – Hubert Clifford (“Maybe… if I occupy his mind with more duties… I can control his…”)
  • Dramatic Impact 3 – Ivor Slaney (“SPACE… MADNESS!”)
  • Night on Bare Mountain – Modest Mussorgsky (Ren’s job for Stimpy)
  • Drama – Van Phillips (Stimpy looking at the button)
  • Bits and Pieces – Ronald Hanmer (announcer tempting Stimpy to push the button)

Sugar Frosted Milk[]

Episode List
Big House Blues (Pilot)
Season 1
Stimpy's Big Day!The Big Shot!Robin HöekNurse StimpySpace MadnessThe Boy Who Cried RatFire DogsThe Littlest GiantMaroonedUntamed WorldBlack HoleStimpy's Invention
Season 2
Ren's ToothacheRubber Nipple SalesmenSven HoekHaunted HouseMad Dog HoekIn The ArmyMan's Best FriendBig Baby ScamDog ShowMonkey See, Monkey Don'tPowdered Toast ManFake DadOut WestStimpy's Fan ClubThe Great OutdoorsThe Cat That Laid the Golden HairballSon of StimpyA Visit To AnthonyThe Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen
Season 3
To Salve And Salve NotA Yard Too FarCircus MidgetsNo Pants TodayRen's PecsAn Abe DividedStimpy's Cartoon ShowJimminy LummoxBass MastersRen's RetirementJerry the Bellybutton ElfRoad ApplesHard Times for HaggisEat My CookiesRen's Bitter HalfLair Of The Lummox
Season 4
Hermit RenHouse of Next TuesdayA Friend in Your Face!Blazing EntrailsLumber JerksPrehistoric StimpyFarm HandsMagical Golden Singing CheesesA Hard Day's LuckI Love ChickenPowdered Toast Man vs. Waffle WomanIt's a Dog's LifeEgg YölkeoDouble HeaderThe Scotsman in SpacePixie KingAloha HöekInsomniac RenMy Shiny FriendCheese Rush DaysWiener BaronsGaloot WranglersRen Needs Help!Superstitious StimpyTravelogue
Season 5
Ol' Blue NoseStupid Sidekick UnionSpace DoggedFued For SaleHair of the CatCity HicksStimpy's PetRen's BrainBell HopsDog TagsI Was a Teenage StimpyWho's Stupid Now?School MatesDinner PartyBig FlakesPen PalsTerminal StimpyReverend JackA Scooter for YaksmasSammy and MeThe Last Temptation