Ren & Stimpy Wiki

"Ren's Retirement" is the eleventh episode of the third season of The Ren & Stimpy Show, and aired on April 2, 1994.



Strong, energetic, Ren's tenth birthday comes around. However, when Stimpy reminds him he's 70 in dog years, Ren becomes a crazy old coot and soon begins to plan for his death.  Eventually, Ren has himself buried in a coffin packed with all the amenities of a modern home, and even allows Stimpy to move in.  Wilbur Cobb presides over the funeral, and Ren's tombstone reads "I'll thank you to not drag your butt over my grave".  Ren and Stimpy enjoy their domestic afterlife until their "next door neighbor", a giant worm (obviously based on "Fred Flintstone"), invites himself over for dinner.  By the end of dinner (and the episode), the worm leaves the coffin, and Ren and Stimpy have been reduced to flesh-less husks.


  • On current MTV airings, the Dog Water short isn't included.
  • This episode was banned from the official Nickelodeon channel due to a really dark subject matter about death.
  • The cake Stimpy carries (for Ren's birthday) has seven candles but when Ren looks at the cake in a close-up, there are ten candles. When Ren starts blowing the candles, there are six candles.
  • Despite that Ren swallowed a candle when blowing it,  When Stimpy says, "Well, Aren't you gonna eat your cake, grandpa~?", There are seven candles again.
  • When Ren & Stimpy are first shown, Stimpy is behind Ren in a wheelchair but when they are shown the second time, Stimpy is in front of Ren.

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The Ren and Stimpy Show S3 E11 - Ren's Retirement

Episode List
Big House Blues (Pilot)
Season 1
Stimpy's Big DayThe Big ShotRobin HöekNurse StimpySpace MadnessThe Boy Who Cried RatFire DogsThe Littlest GiantMaroonedUntamed WorldBlack HoleStimpy's Invention
Season 2
Ren's ToothacheRubber Nipple SalesmenSven HoekHaunted HouseMad Dog HoekIn The ArmyMan's Best FriendBig Baby ScamDog ShowMonkey See, Monkey Don'tPowdered Toast ManFake DadOut WestStimpy's Fan ClubThe Great OutdoorsThe Cat That Laid the Golden HairballSon of StimpyA Visit To AnthonyThe Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen
Season 3
To Salve And Salve NotA Yard Too FarCircus MidgetsNo Pants TodayRen's PecsAn Abe DividedStimpy's Cartoon ShowJimminy LummoxBass MastersRen's RetirementJerry the Bellybutton ElfRoad ApplesHard Times for HaggisEat My CookiesRen's Bitter HalfLair Of The Lummox
Season 4
Hermit RenHouse of Next TuesdayA Friend in Your Face!Blazing EntrailsLumber JerksPrehistoric StimpyFarm HandsMagical Golden Singing CheesesA Hard Day's LuckI Love ChickenPowdered Toast Man vs. Waffle WomanIt's a Dog's LifeEgg YölkeoDouble HeaderThe Scotsman in SpacePixie KingAloha HöekInsomniac RenMy Shiny FriendCheese Rush DaysWiener BaronsGaloot WranglersRen Needs Help!Superstitious StimpyTravelogue
Season 5
Ol' Blue NoseStupid Sidekick UnionSpace DoggedFued For SaleHair of the CatCity HicksStimpy's PetRen's BrainBell HopsDog TagsI Was a Teenage StimpyWho's Stupid Now?School MatesDinner PartyBig FlakesPen PalsTerminal StimpyReverend JackA Scooter for YaksmasSammy and MeThe Last Temptation