Ren & Stimpy Wiki

"It's a Dog Life" is the 12th episode of Season 4.



Ren and Stimpy are on death row at the pound, being led to the gas chamber. However, they are saved when a sweet, rich, and seemingly sane granny comes to adopt them. On the drive home, she renames Ren and Stimpy "Abraham" and "Leviticus". At their new home, Ren finds a dog sleeping in a basket. He tries talking to it, but it doesn't respond. He soon discovers that the dog is long dead and the granny had it stuffed. Eventually, the two of them begin doing usual cat and dog things (Ren bum-scooting on the rug, Stimpy ripping up the sofa). The granny thinks that they're possessed, so she tells her huge Asian butler to take care of them. The butler breaks Stimpy's hands and feet before forcing Ren to sit on a plastic cushion, called the "Hemo-Donut". Afterwards, Mr. O rings the bell for Ren and Stimpy to come to dinner. But instead of real food, both Ren and Stimpy are served gravel. Ren breaks his teeth on his and Stimpy put the entire ball of gravel in his mouth and begins choking on it. Ren tries to save him, but the granny mistakenly assumes that they're doing inappropriate things and sprays them with the hose. Then, she takes the two of them to the animal clinic to be neutered.

At home, the two of them are ready to sleep, but the granny wakes them up and carries them to the yard, which is also a graveyard, and makes them sleep there. Scared and afraid, the two of them run away from home, only to be captured by a police officer. They are faced with two choices: Go back to death row at the pound or go back to the granny. The two of them choose the granny, only to discover upon returning home that she's died from lead poisoning, presumably killed by the butler. Later, a lawyer reads the granny's will to the butler and her two pets. The butler, masquerading as both the chauffeur and goldfish, receives the Mansion, a solid gold Lincoln, and $43,000,000. Ren and Stimpy, however, are chosen to join the granny in the eternal mercy of sleep. They are both killed and then stuffed. The episode ends with the butler dusting them, along with the also-stuffed granny.


  • This is Ken Bruce's first episode since season 2's "The Great Outdoors".
  • The Dog Catcher from the pilot short appears again.
  • This is the second episode of the series animated by Wang Film Productions, with the first being "Lair Of The Lummox".
  • Ren's scream featured at the end of "Robin Hoek" is used in this episode. It was previously used frequently throughout the Spümcø episodes, but was never heard again after the show moved over to Games. This is also the only time this distinct scream is ever used again.
  • While Ren covers his mouth and says "no", the Policeman says the word "queer" but it was replaced with the word "weird" due to censorship.
  • This episode's concept is based on the infamously banned episode "Man's Best Friend".
  • This is one of the few episodes in which Ren and Stimpy die at the end.
  • This is one of the few episodes in which Ren and Stimpy are pets.



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The Ren and Stimpy Show S4 E12 - It's A Dog's Life

Episode List
Big House Blues (Pilot)
Season 1
Stimpy's Big Day!The Big Shot!Robin HöekNurse StimpySpace MadnessThe Boy Who Cried RatFire DogsThe Littlest GiantMaroonedUntamed WorldBlack HoleStimpy's Invention
Season 2
Ren's ToothacheRubber Nipple SalesmenSven HoekHaunted HouseMad Dog HoekIn The ArmyMan's Best FriendBig Baby ScamDog ShowMonkey See, Monkey Don'tPowdered Toast ManFake DadOut WestStimpy's Fan ClubThe Great OutdoorsThe Cat That Laid the Golden HairballSon of StimpyA Visit To AnthonyThe Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen
Season 3
To Salve And Salve NotA Yard Too FarCircus MidgetsNo Pants TodayRen's PecsAn Abe DividedStimpy's Cartoon ShowJimminy LummoxBass MastersRen's RetirementJerry the Bellybutton ElfRoad ApplesHard Times for HaggisEat My CookiesRen's Bitter HalfLair Of The Lummox
Season 4
Hermit RenHouse of Next TuesdayA Friend in Your Face!Blazing EntrailsLumber JerksPrehistoric StimpyFarm HandsMagical Golden Singing CheesesA Hard Day's LuckI Love ChickenPowdered Toast Man vs. Waffle WomanIt's a Dog's LifeEgg YölkeoDouble HeaderThe Scotsman in SpacePixie KingAloha HöekInsomniac RenMy Shiny FriendCheese Rush DaysWiener BaronsGaloot WranglersRen Needs Help!Superstitious StimpyTravelogue
Season 5
Ol' Blue NoseStupid Sidekick UnionSpace DoggedFued For SaleHair of the CatCity HicksStimpy's PetRen's BrainBell HopsDog TagsI Was a Teenage StimpyWho's Stupid Now?School MatesDinner PartyBig FlakesPen PalsTerminal StimpyReverend JackA Scooter for YaksmasSammy and MeThe Last Temptation