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"Wiener Barons" is the 21st episode of Season 4 of the show.



Ren and Stimpy stumble upon a vast supply of wieners, while becoming Wiener Barons of Canada.


Following the trend of the series, Ren and Stimpy are again, homeless and starving. As they walk on train tracks, Ren reads the ads in the newspaper for jobs to Stimpy, yet Stimpy says each job Ren names off sounds "crappy". Ren finally loses his temper when they can't find a job that Stimpy likes, so he lets his buddy look for a job himself (by punching the newspaper up his nose). Stimpy notices a notice saying that the Wiener industry is booming in Canada. Ren believes they could get rich harvesting "natural weenies" in Canada. So they embark on a quest to travel to Canada and get into various circumstances, Stimpy carries the compass on his tongue, Ren and Stimpy hide on the bottom of a train, beaten senseless by the tracks as two hobos that look like human versions of them got the only empty boxcar, as they head to Canada (which looks like a giant sausage).

At the Canadian border celebrating their future fortune as they are stopped by a large, elderly border guard wearing a large bearskin cap with moose antlers and armed with a rifle. The xenophobic guard (who sounds like Wilbur Cobb with a Canadian accent) tells Ren and Stimpy that their kind are not welcome in Canada and to "go back where they came from". When Ren and Stimpy plead they only anger the guard, who pretends to be nice until he smacks them over the horizon back to the United States with the barricade. Ren and Stimpy see the moat of baked beans around the border, and decide to use a dead pig as a boat (pork fat floats on beans) until it springs and leak and Ren almost drowns. Ren and Stimpy finally devise another plan, mustering the courage to face the guard, they are disguised in official clothing and adorned with sausages, and claim to be "U.N. Wiener Inspectors" going by the names Jimmy Dean and Farmer John, the guard salutes them and lets them in.

Ren and Stimpy look at the landscape, featuring mountains, palm trees, clouds and lakes all shaped like weenies (and the fish) and named for them. Ren and Stimpy use several methods of harvest, with Ren forcing Stimpy to do all the hard work, catching them in nets in water like fish, growing them like grapes in vineyards and stomping them for wine "sausage juice), mining for them, and Stimpy using a scythe to cut them in a field garden on a farm like wheat. Finally, the start to use oil rigs to extract them like oil. They hit the "motherload" so many they bust the rig. Ren and Stimpy turn in their fortunes and their rise to the top, appearing in newspapers and opening an amusement park. Inside their skyscraper, they sit in a jacuzi of baked beans and are surrounded by beautiful women when Ren decides to watch the news to see how their stocks are doing. As his wiener cigar is lit with his own burning money, the news reporter says that "crappy futures are on the rise" because weenies are now useless as scientists have created synthetic weenies and all their investments and fortune are null and void, and useless. Ren panics as they loose everything.

Now, once again homeless and out on the streets, and now trapped in Canada, Ren has a mental breakdown and convinces Stimpy he had a vision that it would rain baked beans for 40 days and 40 nights, and that they had to build and ark out of all the useless weenies they got stuck with to get "oot" of Canada. The episode ends with Canada flooded under a rain storm of beans, as Ren and Stimpy in their successfully built ark, ride off into the sunset à la Noah and back to America for good.

Production Music[]

  • Drinking Song - Alfred Kluten (title card)
  • My Horse and I - Norman Warren (opening)
  • Dramatic Cue (h) - Ronald Hanmer (Ren gets mad)
  • Wargames Link (c) - Keith Mansfield ("All right, Stimpy, YOU find us a job.")
  • Build Up - Robert Sharples (Ren reads the ad)
  • Bell Plate Hit - Gary Kettel (Ren gets an idea)
  • Sugar Beat - Sid Phillips ("Come along, Stimpson, we have a date with a wiener.")
  • Legends of the Silver Screen - Cedric King-Palmer ("And so, our heroes head north.")
  • Locomotion - Clive Richardson (Ren and Stimpy on a train)
  • Legends of the Silver Screen - Cedric King-Palmer ("At last! Canada!")
  • Global Expansion (b) - Dick Walter ("Isn't it beautiful?")
  • ? ("Hold it right there, eh!")
  • Marching Drums 1 - Eric Allen (rejected at Canada gate)
  • Timpani Roll (e); Splash Hit (d) - Gary Kettel (right after Ren and Stimpy say, "But we want wieners!")
  • Wie Geht's Denn Heut? - Jan Wolgan [not on APM site] ("Oh, is that so, eh?")
  • Marching Drums 1 - Eric Allen (drum roll at the start of the next scene)
  • Finders Creepers - Paddy Kingsland (Ren and Stimpy in the bush)
  • Asrael 2) Andante - Joseph Suk, George Wilson [CPM] ("Hmm, we have to find a way around that moat.")
  • Send them Victorious (b) - Graham De Wilde ("That's it! We'll hollow out a pig!")
  • The Girl I Left Behind Me - Brian Peters [CPM] (Ren and Stimpy rowing)
  • Battle at Sea - Johnny Pearson ("Bail, man! Bail!")
  • Flowers of the Thorn (Sting) - Brian Peters [CPM] ("No, Ren, we're still in the U.S. of A")
  • King Lear I - Henryk Kuzniak ("Well then, it's time for Plan B!")
  • Long Deep Roll [#8.2] - Eric Allen (Ren clears throat)
  • Lustige Leute - Otto Sieben (Ren and Stimpy as wiener inspectors)
  • Nature's World [#20] - John Fox ("The Canadian wiener mountains!")
  • Pavement Cafe - Richard Myhill (Stimpy picking wieners from the trees)
  • Sailors Hornpipe - Brian Peters [CPM] (on the lake)
  • Oberlander - Wolfgang Kaltenbach (drilling for wieners)
  • Black Swarm - Simon Benson (the drilling gets harder)
  • Polka Mit Pfiff - Elmer Stigman (they strike wieners)
  • Slow Sax - Hans Conzelmann, Delle Haensch ("This is the life, eh, Stimpy?")
  • Bulletin Link 2 - Brian Bennett (TV lowers from ceiling)
  • News Flash - Sam Fonteyn ("Ah, my favorite show. Light me.")
  • Dramatic Sting #9 - Dan Kirsten [OGM] ("WHAT?!")
  • Timpani Roll (c) - Gary Kettel ("All wiener stock is now null and void.")
  • Major Attack - Gerhard Trede (Ren and Stimpy are broke)
  • Sleazy Sax - Richard Myhill (on the street, Ren and Stimpy are homeless)
  • Solstice - Dick Walter ("I was visited in the night by an angel...")
  • Benedictus - Richard Myhill ("...who told me it's going to rain beans for 40 days and 40 nights!")
  • The Promised Land - Kay Rudd ("...and to get myself out of Canada!")
  • Asrael (3) Vivace - Josef Suk, George Wilson [CPM] (Ren and Stimpy in the ark)

Production Art[]

Watch Episode[]


The Ren and Stimpy Show S4 E21 - Weiner Barons

Episode List
Big House Blues (Pilot)
Season 1
Stimpy's Big DayThe Big ShotRobin HöekNurse StimpySpace MadnessThe Boy Who Cried RatFire DogsThe Littlest GiantMaroonedUntamed WorldBlack HoleStimpy's Invention
Season 2
Ren's ToothacheRubber Nipple SalesmenSven HoekHaunted HouseMad Dog HoekIn The ArmyMan's Best FriendBig Baby ScamDog ShowMonkey See, Monkey Don'tPowdered Toast ManFake DadOut WestStimpy's Fan ClubThe Great OutdoorsThe Cat That Laid the Golden HairballSon of StimpyA Visit To AnthonyThe Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen
Season 3
To Salve And Salve NotA Yard Too FarCircus MidgetsNo Pants TodayRen's PecsAn Abe DividedStimpy's Cartoon ShowJimminy LummoxBass MastersRen's RetirementJerry the Bellybutton ElfRoad ApplesHard Times for HaggisEat My CookiesRen's Bitter HalfLair Of The Lummox
Season 4
Hermit RenHouse of Next TuesdayA Friend in Your Face!Blazing EntrailsLumber JerksPrehistoric StimpyFarm HandsMagical Golden Singing CheesesA Hard Day's LuckI Love ChickenPowdered Toast Man vs. Waffle WomanIt's a Dog's LifeEgg YölkeoDouble HeaderThe Scotsman in SpacePixie KingAloha HöekInsomniac RenMy Shiny FriendCheese Rush DaysWiener BaronsGaloot WranglersRen Needs Help!Superstitious StimpyTravelogue
Season 5
Ol' Blue NoseStupid Sidekick UnionSpace DoggedFued For SaleHair of the CatCity HicksStimpy's PetRen's BrainBell HopsDog TagsI Was a Teenage StimpyWho's Stupid Now?School MatesDinner PartyBig FlakesPen PalsTerminal StimpyReverend JackA Scooter for YaksmasSammy and MeThe Last Temptation