Carbunkle Cartoons is a Canadian animation studio formed in the 1990’s by Bob Jacques and Kelly Armstrong. The studio only did work on the first two seasons of The Ren & Stimpy Show. After the show’s success, the company went to work on “The Baby Huey Show” for Harvey Comics. The studio later returned to work on Ren & Stimpy "Adult Party Cartoon". Their production logo/vanity card features a fat naked angel spraying fairy dust from its pencil, and the words featured the company’s name in a wacky font. The logo is only shown on the pilot episode. However during the credits, an in-credit notice is shown.
John K. has stated that Carbunkle did the show's best animation. The first season had episodes animated here that are animated in its usual traditional cel animation, but in season two, five episodes of season two that were animated here were animated using digital ink and paint, instead of its original cel animation.
Episodes animated[]
- Big House Blues (traditional cel)
- Space Madness (traditional cel)
- Fire Dogs (traditional cel)
- Stimpy's Invention (traditional cel)
- Man's Best Friend (digital ink and paint)
- Out West (digital ink and paint)
- Sven Hoek (digital ink and paint)
- Son of Stimpy (digital ink and paint)
- The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen (digital ink and paint)