"Big Flakes" is the fifteenth episode of Season 5 of The Ren & Stimpy Show, which aired on November 18, 1995.
Ren and Stimpy are going on a vacation in the winter. They arrive at the cabin, but they get snowed in and unfairly remain snowed in during the spring meltdown.
Varicose Veins[]
- Billy
- Veins Man
- Movie Tickets Seller Woman
- The episode itself uses cel animation, but the "Varicose Veins" segment uses digital ink and paint.
- This is the only episode that focuses on snow.
- This is the only appearance to feature the fake company called Agetron.
- This is the last regular length episode to use a segment. The "real" last episode to feature segments is the Christmas special, "A Scooter for Yaksmas".
- This is the only season 5 episode released on VHS in the United States.