"Bell Hops" is the ninth episode of Season 5 of The Ren & Stimpy Show, which aired on October 28, 1995.
- Ren
- Stimpy
- Mr. Noggin
- Mrs. Buttloaves
- Salesman as Hotel Concierge
Ren and Stimpy show up to the front counter of a hotel in bell hop uniforms when they are informed by the manager that Mr. Noggin in the penthouse is not to be disturbed and none of the newspaper reporters should be able to take any pictures of him. The boys then proceed to take an incredibly overweight woman to the top floor and then are called back down, the manager then gives them a box and says to take it to Mr. Noggin and to resist the urge to open the "awe-inspiring" box. On the elevator ride up to Mr. Noggin's room Ren opens the box and finds it contains a hat. They get up to Mr. Noggin's room, knock on the door, and when Mr. Noggin answers he opens a small slot on the door so only his eyes can be seen and then takes the box. After preparing a room, Stimpy takes out the trash, but when he gets to the trash can a man pops out of a garbage can and says he'll give Stimpy five bucks for a picture of "The mysterious man in the penthouse" (obviously referring to Mr. Noggin) Stimpy mumbles and the man says "Ok, a million dollars, but that's as high as I go." Stimpy says no and pours garbage on the man's head. After oiling up the obese woman from earlier Ren goes to take out the trash. The same man appears for Ren and offers him five bucks for the picture, Ren accepts the offer and takes a small camera from the man. Ren goes into the room and sees that Mr. Noggin is only a head, but Stimpy foils his efforts to capture a picture of him. In an effort to save Mr. Noggin Stimpy jumps out the window, to which the obese woman catches Mr. Noggin. The obese woman and Mr. Noggin immediately fall in love and get married. For finding him the love of his life Mr. Noggin gives Ren one million dollars, but the hotel manager takes it and makes Ren cry.
Production Music[]
- Intermission - Ronald Hanmer (title card)
- Ballad in F-Minor Op. 52 - Frederic Chopin (opening)
- Battle Hymn of the Republic (a) - Graham De Wilde (the bellhop oath)
- Scherzo No.2 in B-Flat Minor Op.31 - Frederic Chopin (“Now to the matter at hand.”)
- Shark Alert [#46] - David Farnon [CPM] (dramatic music when Mrs. Buttloaves is introduced)
- Hawaiian Cocktail - Richard Myhill (“I’ll get the bag, you get the hag!”)
- Drama Link (k) - Hubert Clifford (“Hey Stimpy, hurry up, my finger’s starting to blister!”)
- Sweet and Lovely - Alan Braden (Stimpy squeezes Mrs. Buttloaves into the elevator)
- Passing the Time - Robert Sharples (everyone in the elevator)
- Hawaiian Cocktail - Richard Myhill (everyone gets out of the elevator)
- Seat of Feelings - Gregor Narholz (“It’s in here somewhere…”)
- Bassoon Link (b) - Richard Myhill (Mrs. Buttloaves spits mints at Ren and Stimpy)
- Impressions of India II - Victor Cavini [removed from APM site] (shot of the mints)
- Seat of Feelings - Gregor F. Narholz (“Thanks, Mrs. Buttloaves!”)
- Scherzo No.2 in B-Flat Minor Op.31 - Frederic Chopin (“Boys, take this mysterious package to Mr. Noggin.”)
- Passing the Time - Robert Sharples (in the elevator again)
- Enigma Variations: Nimrod - Edward Elgar (Stimpy describing Mr. Noggin’s accomplishments)
- City Desk - Ronald Hanmer (Ren and Stimpy get out of the elevator)
- Strings and Harp - David Farnon [CPM] (creepy music as Ren and Stimpy approach Mr. Noggin’s door)
- Flute Mystery - Pete Lowe [CPM] (Mr. Noggin takes the package)
- Bass Clarinet Effect [#38] - David Farnon [CPM]; Undecided E - Mladen Franko (Mr. Noggin gives R&S breath mints)
- Blue Blood C – Gregor Narholz (“Fortune smiles upon us!”)
- Tchaikovsky: Waltz of the Flowers - Erik Markman [OGM] (Ren putting on lipstick)
- Sphere Crystals - Gregor F. Narholz (“Hey buddy, I’ll give you $5 for a photograph of the mysterious man in the penthouse suite.”)
- Hail to the King - Laurie Johnson (Stimpy rejects him)
- Onward Christian Soliders - Barrie Hingley (Stimpy leaves singing this)
- Matangi Ake’ - Kapono Beamer (at the pool)
- Hawaiian Cocktail - Richard Myhill (Mrs. Buttloaves wants to be oiled)
- Happily Drunk - Richard Myhill (Ren sinks into Mrs. Buttloaves’s back)
- Im Tiefen Keller - Otto Sieben [not on APM site] (Mrs. Buttloaves walking past the hotel manager)
- Mounting the Scaffold 1 - Gregor F. Narholz (imprint of Ren on her back)
- Declamatory Chords - Alan Braden (“Hoek!”)
- The Dancing School - Richard Myhill (“Garbage detail, Hoek!”)
- Sphere Crystals - Gregor F. Narholz (“Hey buddy, get me a photo of the rich guy, and I’ll give you $5!”)
- El Beso - Otto Sieben (“Five bucks?!”)
- English Country Garden - Richard Myhill (Stimpy gives Mr. Noggin another package)
- Stealthy - William Loose [Capitol Records] (“Have you been talking to strange garbage cans again?”)
- Orchestral Link 55 - Mike Sunderland (“How would you like your privacy invaded?”)
- Orchestral Link 48 - Mike Sunderland (“See you on the other side.”)
- High Speed Action - Laurie Johnson (“I will not let him disgrace himself!”)
- Eerie Dramatic (L-657) - Spencer Moore [Capitol Records] (plays when Ren walks through Mr. Noggin’s penthouse)
- Oddball - David Mellor [CPM]; In Solitude - Christopher Payne, Paul Rogers [CPM] (also heard when Ren walks through Mr. Noggin’s penthouse)
- Declamatory Chords - Alan Braden (sting when Ren screams)
- Orchestral Link 53 - Mike Sunderland (“He’s just a head!”)
- Chase (ZR-118) - George Hormel [Capitol Records] (Stimpy stands in front of Ren’s camera)
- Eerie Emotional - Phil Green [Capitol Records] (“You don’t understand! No one understands!”)
- Cue the Action! (a) - Dick Walter (Ren chases Stimpy and Mr. Noggin around the room with a camera)
- Francesca Da Rimini - Symphonic Fantasia After Dante Op 32 - Peter Tchaikovsky, George Wilson [CPM] (Stimpy falling)
- Wedding March - Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (Mrs. Buttloaves and Mr. Noggin are love struck, as well as at the wedding)
- Marriage of Figaro Overture - Wolfgang Mozart (ending)
- At the beginning of this episode, the hotel manager calls for Höek and Cadogen (Stimpy's full last name as referenced in Terminal Stimpy, in the Craftwork Corner segment in A Scooter for Yaksmas and also referenced by his character name in Mad Dog Hoek - [pronounced: Kadoogen]).
- This is the final time two back-to-back episodes (this and "Dog Tags") are directed by the same person (Ken Bruce).
- When Ren and Stimpy were saying the Bell Hop oath, Stimpy's hand is up while Ren salutes with his left hand. But, in a close-up, both are saluting with their right hands.
- When Ren and Stimpy first say the Bell Hop oath, Stimpy's collar was close to his mouth. Hosever, when they said the rest of the oath, Stimpy's collar was about to the bottom of his stomach and he looks taller than Ren.
- The DVD's write Bell Hops as "Bellhops" (although this is the correct spelling).
- This episode was banned for unknown reasons.